Every child deserves a great education



At the core of Reach’s ethos is a desire to disrupt the traditional education system that has left millions of children behind.
With every Reach subscription purchased we not only elevate education for that child or family, but are able to provide access to another child or family who may have limited, reduced or zero access to quality education.

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1% of Gross Revenue

For many, a subscription is not enough. Numerous communities, families and children don’t have access to devices or the internet in order to learn using an online platform. That’s why we allocate 1% of our gross revenues towards helping overcome these, and other educational obstacles, such as internet access, devices (that can use Reach online or offline), power, food, water, and shelter.

The Current Education System Is Failing Our Children


Million Children

Aren't able to attend primary or secondary school every year.


Million Adults

Are illiterate with only up to 3rd grade math skills. Two thirds of these adults are women.


Of College-Aged Students

In the United States can't do math beyond the Junior High level.

CEO & Founder

“Let's change the world, together. ”

Not only is every child's future impacted by education but each community, region, nation and economy are impacted by each individual and how that individual interacts with the world.

Every time we provide greater access to education or help elevate an individual's education we are helping that individual to shape their future and the world around them.

Our goal is to reach every child and give them the resources they need to not only change their lives, but to also change their communities, regions, nations, and the world for the better.